How Does a Car Electronic Control Unit Function?
Listed below are some of the key areas that make up a car’s electronic control unit. These parts handle fueling strategy, power management, and communication lines between the modules. You can also learn about the Engine control loop and how it functions. However, to truly understand how the ECU works, you need to have an in- depth understanding of each. Before we continue, let’s look at how the electronic computer actually works.
Fueling strategy
The ECU controls the amount of fuel injected in the engine. When the engine is running at part throttle, the ECU concentrates on the optimum mixture. In this condition, the mixture is stoichiometric. Lambda is equal to 1.0, and the ideal mixture has all of its components consumed. If the mixture is lean, then the ECU will have to inject more fuel to keep the engine running at full throttle.
The ECU also determines how much …
How Does a Car Electronic Control Unit Function? Read More