Where To Start with Vacuums and More
Let’s Talk About Vacuum Pumps A vacuum pump is a pumping device that moves air into or out of something else, and it is used for gas molecules removal from an area that leaves a partial vacuum behind. Vacuum pumps are being in producing electric lamps and vacuum tubes, as well as in processing semiconductors in an industrial setting. Vacuum pumps have various classifications, with complex and varying processes. We can narrow down vacuum pumps into two broad categories which are transfer pumps and entrapment or trapping pumps. Transfer pumps or kinetic pumps use momentum in the acceleration of gas from the vacuum side to the exhaust side such as what a turbo molecular pump does. Entrapment pumps are used to trap molecules within a confined space like cryopumps which are used to trap liquified gas molecules into cold traps. Vacuum pumps are widely used in different industrial settings, and …